Support available

  • Medication Safety

This training is intended for all staff involved in the administration of medications to patients. The aim is to revise and learn about key factors of medication including introductory pharmacokinetics, units of measure, drug calculations, the medication pathway and the six rights of drug administration.

If you successfully complete this training you will be able to:

• Explain safe practice standard

• Convert dosages between the different units of measure

• Calculate the required doses for clients, using relevant formulae to calculate tablets/syrup required.

• Explain the three checks 

• Explain the Six Rights of Drug Administration

  • Wound care

Wound management is not just about selecting the correct dressing but utilising a collaborative, multidisciplinary team approach, that includes a comprehensive assessment, implementation of evidence based principles of wound management, pressure ulcer prevention and management as well as continual evaluation of the wound healing process.

This training will enable participants to:                              

• To describe the normal wound healing process in order to identify when a wound is no longer following the normal healing trajectory

• To discuss the importance of a holistic assessment of the patient, their wound and their environment

• To describe the principles of wound management

• To list the clinical features, indications, limitations and guidelines for the more frequently used dressing categories

• To provide relevant up-to-date resources for wound management

• Document the assessment, prevention and management of pressure injuries according to the policies

• Discuss the management of skin tears

  • End of Life Supportive Care

This training has been developed to provide support and direction for staff caring for a person during their last days of life in areas other than a palliative care unit. 

After the training, you will be better able to:

• Ensure that care of the dying person is managed with dignity and comfort and that their family and carers are supported.

• Address the requirements related to caring for a person during their last days of life including care plans, referrals, culture, religion, spirituality and organ and tissue donation.

• Identify and access support systems and services for yourself, other staff, relatives, carers and patients affected by a death.

  • Tracheostomy Care

Tracheostomy Care training is to enhance the knowledge, skills and competence of nurses caring for a patient with a tracheostomy to:

• Identify equipment used in the care of the patient with a tracheostomy

• Discuss and demonstrate steps in the management of a patient with tracheostomy

• Recognise indicators of potential emergencies and implement appropriate interventions during tracheostomy care.

• Understands optimal patient, staff and personal safety in the delivery of care to a patient with a tracheostomy